Looking Back • Moving Forward

The Glen Lake Community Library Sponsors:

Looking Back • Moving Forward

Leelanau County Poor Farm Lives On: From the early days to the future

Tuesday May 3, 2022   7:00 pm

Glen Lake Community Library • Empire

Program Room

Attendance is limited to 25. Reserve your seat now by calling the Library

 (231) 326-5361 or by emailing: 

[email protected]

Laurel Jeris, Barbara Siepker, and Steve Stier, founding members of the Leelanau County Historic Preservation Society (LCHPS). Through conversation and a photo essay you will learn:

  • The history of the Poor Farm                 

  • Why we formed the LCHPS

  • What has been accomplished to rehabilitate the Poor Farm Barn

  • What’s happening now

  • Where we are headed in the future 

QUESTIONS AND RESERVATIONS: Contact the Glen Lake Community Library by phone or email: (231) 326-5361, [email protected]

Leelanau County Historic Preservation Society’s  (LCHPS) website is:  https://lchp.org
The website is loaded with information and photos about the Poor Farm history, the rehabilitation of the barn, and how to become involved in this exciting project.  Contact Person for this event at the Leelanau County Historic Preservation Society (LCHPS): Laurel Jeris, 231-326-2120 or [email protected]