Barn Rehabilitation

LCHPS is conducting all repairs according to the Secretary of the Interior Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Historic Properties. Repairs were staged to address the most emergent needs first. While there have been many repairs, a few of the major ones are described below.

LCPHS hired structural engineer, Tom Nehil, to investigate and identify structural issues. A unique solution to correct the major bowing of east foundation wall was developed and implemented. A stabilization wall was installed from the inside of the barn in the late fall of 2018.

The rotted bottoms of east side middle three trusses were cut out and replaced in 2019.
Hardware was replaced for hanging barn doors and repairs to the walk-in person door in 2019.

Barn floor joist reinforcements were completed in 2020.
All windows repaired and several rebuilt 2018-20.

Steve Stier completed a great deal of the work along with volunteers and several contractors who donated a portion of their labor costs. Steve is happy to share more information about our contractors.  You may contact him at [email protected].