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Recognized Leelanau County Historic Sites
A September 2018 presentation in Glen Arbor by authors and researchers M. Christine Byron and Thomas R. Wilson captivated 75 attendees. It showcased 42 Leelanau County designated historic sites that have been recognized by the Michigan Register of Historic Sites or the National Register of Historic Places. The program addressed the importance of assisting and encouraging our communities to identify additional historic structures. The Poor Farm and Woolsey Airport in Northport were identified at this meeting as new candidates for Michigan Historical Markers.
In 2019, LCHPS produced the book Historic Leelanau: Recognized Places and Sites of Historic Significance together with authors Byron and Wilson who donated their research and royalties. The book design and printing costs were underwritten by the nonprofit Leelanau Press. All sales from the book ($6,000) have been placed in a restricted historic preservation fund that has paid all the costs of the Poor Farm Michigan Historical Marker and will underwrite future preservation work.
- With books in hand during the summer of 2019, Byron and Wilson of Vintage Views held educational events and presented thier research about historic sites throughout Leelanau County. These authors’ enthusiasm for keeping history alive through engaging residents and visitors in learning about these significant structures helps build the county’s cultural tourism (responsible for 25% of all tourism in the county). They made eight presentations in our region at:
- Leelanau Historical Museum,
- Omena Historical Society.
- A joint program with Empire Historical Museum and Glen Lake Community Library.
- Cottage Book Shop.
- Horizon Book Store.
- Leelanau Books.
- Woolsey Airport Fly-in.
- Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore’s Port Oneida Fair.