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Miller School

Miller School Sign Dedication
Facebook, a powerful tool to reach large local audiences, led Andy White and Barbara Siepker, LCHPS board members, to learn of Lloyd and Vicki Vanderkwaak’s efforts to rejuvenate the Miller Hill School site. As new owners, they were interested in researching the half-acre property they had purchased from the Glen Lake Community School, adjoining the home that they had built. They were seeking historical information and photographs of the school. Also responding were Kim Kelderhouse from the Leelanau Historical Museum, and author historian Norbert Bufka, who had just completed the book, We Remember Lost Places in Leelanau, that included the history of the school. All provided what photographs were available and dates of the school existence (1872-1939). In addition, LCHPS helped formulate an approach on Facebook and on the school’s historical sign that would encourage interaction and feedback from people having first-hand stories of students and teachers. On October 14, 2020, a celebration was held at the school site and the sign was unveiled. It was proudly attended by an encouraging group who had been instrumental in supporting this energetic couple on the work they had been doing clearing and excavating the site. LCHPS has since put the Vanderkwaarks in touch with Traverse City’s chapter of the Michigan Archaeological Society with plans being made to schedule an exploratory dig at the site to find more relics.